Family visiting

What do you ladies do if family plans to visit during child’s nap time? Do you keep baby and toddler up until after they visit? Or do you make nap time earlier ?

My in laws are very bad at being punctual and I’m trying to figure out how to keep my kids on a nap schedule without causing to much chaos. Last Time the in laws visited they told me they would be stopping by from out of town while doing some errands which is fine. They wanted to stop by and see the kids, I asked them if they can please stop by either before three or after three because that’s the kids nap time, well hey showed up exactly at three and they stayed for two hours throwing off my kids nap routine and of course by the time they left it was too late to get them to nap.

The same thing happens when they want to stay over, nap times get thrown all over the place and then I have two cranky kids. The FIL & MIL are old school and are very unorganized so I don’t expect them to understand the importance of routine but I would at least like them to respect it.