Baby Names


I like classic names. We were thinking about naming our baby (it is a surprise, we don’t know the sex) after one of my husband’s grandparents and then using our own middle names for the middle name. So the boy would be Nicholas (but would be called Nick...his grandfather passed away last year and his actual name was just plain Nick but I wanted a full name) And Allen would be the middle name. (So boy Nicholas “Nick” Allen.) then we were originally gonna do Maria Elizabeth for the girl but my husband’s grandma has been in the hospital and I thought since they both have had such an influence on my husband’s life (and even mine) we could even name a girl after her. So the girl would be Josephine Elizabeth but I think we would call her “Josie.” What do you think, too old fashioned? To be honest, I think my heart is already set on the names, although I was kind of battling Josephine for a little bit...but Josie could be cute and when she is older if she wants to be Josephine or Jo or whatever she has some options.