Any one else with the desire to interrogate random pregnant women?


It’s that classic thing where when you can’t have something, you see it everywhere. I seem to be able to spot the only baby bump around from a mile off and every train carriage has a ‘Baby on Board’ badge (U.K. ladies will understand!).

I find myself wanting to pounce on them, pin them down and ask them everything! “How did you do it?” “How long were you trying?!” “What symptoms did you have?” “Let me see your BBT charts!!” 😂

Pretty much everything that we use these forums for but in real life!

I can’t be the only one, right? 🤷🏻‍♀️

It’s only since TTC that I’ve come to realise how much our fertility challenges are unspoken of amongst us girls, how much I took it for granted that it would ‘just happen’ and lastly how much I appreciate these forums where we can openly vent and air our fertility fears, hopes and dreams.

It feels comforting knowing I’m not alone! 😘