Leaving a career to stay home


When making big decisions I always look for affirmation. I am a special ed teacher and mother of a 12 month old. He has had at least 8 viruses this winter. I have taken off so many days of work. I was moved to a different school for next year because of funding and am not excited about it. I want to stay home with my son after this awful winter he has had, but I am worried about taking time off from my career. It would be a pain to get started again, and I am worried about what would happen with my retirement. but I realize I will never get this time back with my son, and it has been horrible seeing him be so sick all winter. to supplement the income we'd be losing I will continue to work my Rodan & Fields business, and teach for an online company like vipkid. I realize this is a decision only my family can make, but I'd love to hear your personal stories and thoughts. Thank you!