

8 1/2 yo keeps going through 14 yo room. Makeup, jewelry, clothing. While I don’t find this unusual, it’s becoming common place. Boundaries and expectations have been set. Empathy “game” has been played. “How would you like it if?” Now a significant amount of makeup has been damaged, makeup brushes, etc. Initially it was admitted to. They also gave a description of the times they would do it. While 14 yo was at after school activities or tutoring, etc. Now the 8 yo is retracting the admission, saying they lied that they DID it to avoid getting in trouble, and that they are going to prove the 14 yo wrong. There is a history of compulsive lies. More than average. Believes their own lies. Tells character damaging lies. Lies about both biological parents. Lies about school work, homework, teachers and classmates. Gets confronted and corrected. Will continue to lie, make up more lies or lie about the person confronting them. It doesn’t seem like any amount of consequence is working. Privilege has been removed. Technology has been removed. Grounding with a chore chart to complete to get off grounding hasn’t worked. Time In doesn’t seem effective. Rewards for achievements and accomplishments isn’t enough. Pointing out positive behavior and habits had been futile. Soooo...ideas 💡