The natural birth of my 11.4lb baby boy 💙 WARNING: raw photo

Abby • Full house, full hands, full heart! 4 kiddos 9, 7, 4, 1 and #5 on the way. 3 angel babies.

Baby #5 Marco Aurelio joined our family Sunday morning 4-8-18 exactly 1 week over his due date. Saturday night we watched a movie and went to sleep. About 2am contractions started, I waited to see if they had a pattern and 30 minutes in they were coming every 5 minutes. They were very tolerable but becoming stronger with each one. After 2 hours I decided to wake my husband so he could call my mother in law to come watch the kiddos. He called her then came back 10 minutes later to tell me she couldn’t find her car keys. Unfortunately we had to wake up all our kiddos load them in the car and drop them off at my MIL. I chose not to let this bother me and continued to focus on my labor. I used a heating pad the whole drive over and even took it with me to L&D; it was heavenly!! We got up to labor and delivery contractions were still very manageable and I was able to talk in between. While they set me up in the monitors they informed me their computer systems were down 😫. The nurse came in with about 50 papers asking me tons of questions! This is the last thing you want to do while in active labor. I once again chose to not let this bother me and tried to stay focused on my labor. After the grueling questions she finally says “ok let me check you”, she does a quick exam and says “do you want to guess how far dilated you are?” I thought oh no, that doesn’t sound good I’m probably a 4, she said “you are a very stretchy 7!” 😁. Music to my ears!!! At this point I asked for air and gas. I sat laboring for a little while longer, my sister in law and sister showed up and helped me labor. The dr came in palpated my belly and said that this would be a 71/2-8lb baby which didn’t surprise me because all my others were between 8.6-8.13. At this point dr did an exam said I was 9cm with a bulging bag of water. I gave her permission to break it, she did and barely anything came out which I thought was weird. At this point contractions became intense and I started feeling pressure from the contractions I asked if I could push a little and she said I shouldn’t because there was a “lip” stuck in front of his head and that he was coming crooked. I stayed like this for an hour and then I had a massive contraction and his head came halfway out they told me to wait and they called the dr in she was barely to the bed when the next contraction hit and his whole head came out. All of a sudden the dr had a scared look on her face and yelled to lay the bed down they did and I felt a ton of pressure and then out came his body and an ocean of water. Apparently when the dr saw the size of the head she realized his shoulders were stuck behind my pelvis bone because of his size if she hadn’t laid me back his shoulders would have been stuck. As I held my baby for the first time everyone around me kept saying what a huge baby he was. I did realize that he felt a lot heavier than my other kiddos but had no idea his real weight. Everyone was shocked when they weighed him he was 11.4lbs and 23inches!! Head was 15inches!! He is beautiful and we are so in love with this little man. Our family is finally complete!!

Look at the nurses face when she sees his size 😂😂😂 she said she has never seen a vaginal birth of a baby this big.

Here is me the day after I found out I was prego with this little man. I’m 5’7” 130lb