Eventful evening


So I had my checkup today I'm 35 wks 3days. I get my blood pressure checked it was 160 they so wanted me to go to the hospital asap after I got done their to monitor it an baby. I told my doctor that I didn't think the other lady did my do my blood pressure right so I asked her to redo it. She did it an it was 140 she said. But still wanted me to go to get monitored. But they had to do the swap of your cervix that you get done at 35/36 wks. She checked me also an said I was dilated one cm. So I get to the hospital my blood pressure was perfect there 115!! But I had 10 contractions in a hr! Is that normal? They wasn't painful or but defiantly my whole belly tightening up! Anyone have this happen? They still sent me home even though I had ten in a hr.