40&3, induced labor. LONG POST*

Ellie • Zoe-Jane Belle Grimes born April 7th 10.3lbs 15 in head 21 in long at 1:08 AM!

My labor went a completely different direction than what I thought. April 6th I woke up and I was wet, my legs, butt, and vagina. Me and my husband went to the hospital but they concluded it wasn’t my water, but since I was over due and already at a tight 4, basically still a 3, they asked me if I wanted to stay and be induced. Of course I said yes, I was ready to meet my baby girl. I wanted to have a natural birth, all the nurses and the doctor knew that. After they checked me they took me to a room and I went to pee, well I had my bloody show. I told them and they said well good thing we kept you. We saved you the trip of coming back. They started me in pitocin and broke my water. They checked me about 15 minutes after they broke my water and I was still at a 3. So they let me labor and came and checked after an hour and a half, I was still at 3.😧 I stayed at 3 for over 3 hours. My contractions were closer than 30 seconds and lasting over a minute. They were intense and unbearable. I finally broke down and asked for the epidural. It was an instant relief. After the epidural I dilated much faster!! Within an hour and a half I dilated from a 3 to 10. We were ready to push. When we started pushing the epidural immediately quit working and I felt everything!! Well she had a huge head and it took me over 3 hours to get her to crown. Meanwhile I felt everything while pushing. After almost 3 and a half hours and her super close to crowning the nurse went and got the doctor. The doctor came in and seemed concerned. She yelled “we have got to get this baby out fast! Either we are going to do it without cutting you or we are going to have to cut you!” Well my nurse was super supportive the entire time I was pushing and she never got mad at me, but when the doctor came in and was yelling she got me rolling. She had to use what they call a kiwi to get her to come out. The kiwi pooped off her head 4 times because of the hair on her head, it pissed me off and made me push even harder. Her shoulder got stuck, so I had a shoulder dystocia but they didn’t have to brake her arm, shoulder or collar bone, thankfully. Her arm was bruised though. Once she got her arm unstuck she came right on out. They laid her in my stomach and I didn’t hear her cry. They took her immediately and started shaking her to get some color. I finally heard her make some noise. They had to take her to NICU because she had a traumatic coming and they had to stabilize her oxygen. I had a 2nd degree tear with two stitches. No one told me after I delivered that they would come in and push on your stomach to make blood clots come out and boy did it hurt. Well thank you for reading my birth story. It was crazy and hectic, but it was all worth it. I was in labor a total of 11 hours. She was born April 7th at 1:08 am 10 pounds 3 oz 21’’ long.