The dreaded stomach bug....


I hate putting this terrible topic on here but I need some opinions!! My 6 year old was sick 3/22-3/24 with a stomach bug, she got better then 2 weeks later on 4/5 woke up and vomited once and was completely fine after and hasn’t had an issue again. Flash forward to today- my 1 year old woke up Wednesday 4/11 from nap having vomited, had diarrhea soon after while I was cleaning up. Has been acting totally normal since aside from 2 looser (borderline diarrhea) poops on Thursday. I have now come down with it 24 hours after her and mine is severe diarrhea with a couple vomits with chills, stomach cramps etc. Now my husband just became ill a couple hours ago but he is only vomiting with no other symptoms. So I guess my question is 1) anyone else had a bug reappear weeks after 1 person had it? Or this something totally different? My 1 year old stays home with me so I can’t imagine she’d pick something up first

2) can the same bug affect people so differently???

What are we dealing with here?!?!? This is awful!!!