Going down to 1 nap a day


When did your little ones drop the second nap and just try and nap 1x daily? My son just turned 11 months, is walking, and has to do EVERYTHING himself. He won’t even take a piece of food from me unless I put it in his hand so he can feed himself. If I put it in his mouth myself he takes it out and has to put it back in himself. Idk if this has anything to do with it but he fights me for his naps. Even for bedtime too. He used to take my breast and fall asleep and now he fights me. It’s 12:30 and he’s been up 4 hours. He usually naps within 2 hours of waking up. Is this normal for his age? He also never finishes his bottles. I will offer three 4 oz bottles and he will drink half and waste the other half. He barely gets any breastmilk lately.