Feeling stupid!

Ella • Mumma to 3 👩🏼👦🏼👧🏻 #4 due November 🤰🏻💍 engaged to the love of my life 💗

My baby shower is next weekend, I left it really late (I'll be 36 weeks) because I was so undecided about whether or not to have one. My sister ended up convincing me and offered to host because everyone had been hassling to see me and wanting to catch up before bubba is born. My partner and I moved interstate two weeks ago, so will be travelling back home for the baby shower as that's where all my friends/work colleges/family etc is. Anyway today I've had over half the guests tell me they can't come, lots of them being the people who hassled me to make a trip back home before the baby is born. I feel so stupid for organising it now and don't know whether it's worth making such a big trip at 36 weeks!