Do I have a right to tell people not to play with my son?

Nicole • Mummy of 3💙💙💗 #4 due October💗

My son is 14 months and sometimes when I’ve just settled him down after playing or crying etc and he’s just being quiet watching tv, or when he’s eating his food, my mom and my sister come in trying to play with him which starts him off crying again. I even leave him alone for a while because if anyone gives him any kind of attention he wants to start being wild or throwing a tantrum again. Or he will throw his food and want to play. So sometimes I tell them leave him alone for now. Apparently I’m being a bitch by doing this? But I don’t think I am, I’m his mother and I should think I have the right to tell people when to leave him alone.. after all they don’t actually have to look after him when he’s acting up 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️