What's that? Labour ?


I'm so fed up.. I'm coming up to 36 weeks and the last 5 days been so difficult.. this is my second pregnancy, with my first I had to be induced at 42 weeks it was terrible and my body wouldn't go into labour no matter what anyone tried - but I can't remember feeling so uncomfortable with my first even later on... for the last 5 days I had loose bowel ( sorry TMI). Daily, period type pains on and off throughout the day and sometimes lower back ache, pain comes and goes randomly no pattern just daily.. I've been so tired I could barely walk and dont sleep well at all. I can't get comfortable anywhere I can barely walk and move and can't sit for long back ache is so painful cant lie for long can't sleep.. etc - I had bleeding nose two days ago might of been high blood pressure as I was so spaced out.. today I felt slightly better this afternoon but tightening comes and goes - my baby was also breech for ages then a week ago he turned head down but I'm pretty sure he is ebgaged as I feel so much pressure.. everything I read says labour could be close - but I wouldn't want to put my hopes high - I did it with my first and ended up with pitocin at 42 weejs with a terrible delivery 😭 I just wish feeling like crap meant something good - I wish I was 3cm and effaced and on my way slowly .. but I know it's never the case with my body - so so tired and also been so emotional I cry daily argh