Implantation or period?

So I had sex unprotected on the 27th of March, 2 days after ovulation according to my <a href="">period tracker</a>. My periods are not always consistent and for the most part are heavy. About 4 days before my period (which was the 5th of April), I had spotting that was light pink/brownish. It was only visible when I wiped. It didn’t fill up a pad. I wore a panty liner and maybe a few drops were on there. I figured it was my period coming so I thought nothing of it but this lasted for the next 3 days. The day after I was supposed to have my period(April 6th) I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative. I took a dollar store test not sure if that really makes a difference 🤷🏾‍♀️ The next day the spotting turned into light bleeding that was red sometimes dark red with small clots off and on and this lasted for 2 days. I read that implantation only last 2 days and has NO CLOTS but I just thought this was unusual. My periods and never this light. Could this be Implantation or just a very light period?