Whirlwind/no heartbeat

Hi everyone. I have had a terrible experience with this OB. I was supposed to have an ultrasound and my first appointment last week. I went in and they did nothing! No blood work and no ultrasound. They actually had me down for an infertility appointment instead of a pregnancy confirmation appointment. I left there with an appointment for an ultrasound, which took place yesterday, which btw, there was no order for when I showed up. I went in thinking I was almost 9 weeks, but left only seeing a yolk sac. They did not set me up with a doctor appointment after, just said the doc will be calling. I was so scared. I got a call from my doc today at 1:30 and she said I was measuring at 7 weeks and 3 days, but there was no heartbeat. She said that I will either have a miscarriage or I am actually earlier than they think. She then went on to say, “don’t get your hopes up.” I’m devastated. I went online and looked at ultrasounds of someone who is 7 weeks and 3 days, and I didn’t look ANYTHING like that! They want me to come back in 1 week for another ultrasound. I did actually end up calling another doctor and I’m getting in on Monday. Can anyone help? Anyone been in a similar situation?