I hate first response



I hate it. Every single test I took looked positive in the firsts 3 minutes and then 25 minutes later they would disappear and turn to bfn. I would just get my hopes up and then I would be disappointed. What’s up with those ident lines? Those internet cheapies worked so much better. Frer is getting so sloppy for the money we pay.

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Posted at
This is an old photo, but I keep it because I also think FR is garbage.


Posted at
If it looks positive within five minutes it is?!


El • Apr 21, 2018
They were right when I used them


B • Apr 21, 2018
Indent lines* (not finer lines)


B • Apr 21, 2018
Probably. But be aware of the finer lines! They can really trick you to think you have a faint line... if you search here you will find several girls who went through the same...


Posted at
Mine always work. I used the 99 cents store ones first & when I got my positive, I went & bought FR to make sure. But if it’s positive, it’s positive. What happens after that doesn’t matter.