10 weeks

My boyfriend and I have sex regularly and I’ve taken plan b multiple times. I know I should have gotten on birth control a long time but I always put it off. When I take plan b it always messes with my cycle so I didn’t think much when the app said I was 35 days late, but lately I’ve been feeling sick whenever I eat something. I took a bunch of tests one came out negative and got relieved but decided to take one more and once that one came out positive I took more to confirm. Yesterday I went to the clinic and found out I’m 10 weeks and 3 day (4 days today) I’m so scared I’m only 18 about to turn 19, I’m unemployed at the moment and I’m just stressed out I don’t know what to do I haven’t told my mom or anyone else but my boyfriend. I know we aren’t ready to be parents but it gets me sad to think about ending my pregnancy. I keep thinking what if I can’t get pregnant later on in the future when I want to. My boyfriend is fine if I go through with the abortion or decide to keep it but I know it’s going to be tough on us. I made an appointment Wednesday morning for the abortion but I don’t know if I want to go through with it without telling my mom. I just need someone to talk to :(