Second go around with Misoprostol/Cytotec for blighted ovum


On Friday - I was diagnosed with a blighted ovum. I was supposed to be 7 weeks 1 day however I was measuring at least a week behind & a baby never formed. I only had a gestational sac & a yolk sac.

My OB/GYN gave me my options & with me leaving on vacation in 2 weeks I didn’t want to wait to miscarry naturally so I opted for the medication.

My directions from my OB/GYN was to take 1 pill orally every 4 hours & I had a total of 10 to take. I took all 10 from Friday into Saturday & nothing happened. Therefore I’m starting my second go around. I’m nervous b/c I really don’t want a d&c;, I really need & want my body to kick into gear so I can move on & let go.

Has anyone took this medication but it didn’t work at first but worked the second time. Please share your experience!