Birth Story

Sarah • 35 yr old first time mama-to-be. Dealing with gestational diabetes. Married to the most amazingly wonderful and supportive man! We weren’t even sure we could get pregnant so this baby was a slight surprise but definitely not an “oops”! We are already so i

I was induced at 38w 3 days. We went in at 6am on Monday the 16th and by noon on Tuesday I had a c section because I had t dilated or effaced at all. I knew the likelihood of having to have a c section was high due to having GD and a big baby. It just hit me tonight no disappointed I am. I feel like my body totally failed me. Now that baby is here I’m not producing enough milk for him. I was hoping to be able to breastfeed exclusively but it’s just not working. I know all that really matters is my sweet baby is here and healthy, it I can’t help but feel disappointed and a little cheated.