I was pregnant with twin girls


I was pregnant with twin girls. Found out st 17 weeks I had an incompetent cervix. I went in at 18 weeks for a cerclage, but as they were doing it Baby A’s water broke so they couldn’t do it. 

I was put on modified bed rest and weekly ultrasounds. At 24 weeks I went into the hospital and my girls decided they wanted to show up at 25 weeks/5 days. We lost Baby A due to her lungs being underdeveloped. She made it almost 12 hours. We had a pretty good idea this would happen, but you never can really believe it until it does.

Baby B is in the Nicu and they’re saying she will be hospitalized 100 days until her due date. She’s been doing amazing so far. She has her older sister as her guardian angel.

If anyone has to go through the loss of a child I feel you. There is nothing in the world that is more difficult.