Suicide awarenes, RIP

We are both 22 and went to high school together. We were both accepted into medical school. He had a 4.0 GPA student. He was the president of the Medical Society and did cancer research. He had more friends than more could imagine. His family was well to do, his dad a doctor, a family cabin on the lake, a sister and two brothers. He was set to graduate in May. On my birthday, yesterday, he committed suicide. We had such an amazing friendship. His friends or me or anyone else has 0 idea of why he killed himself. We went to the same high school. I was raped and abused by a male in our grade, I reported and took it to court. I attempted suicide 2 years ago and spent 17 days in the ICU unconscious. My high school (city for 4k) bullied me for getting raped and trying to kill myself. Now, this man at 22 committed suicide and every one is very empathetic. This is a huge eye opener to all who bullied me in high school. This is an eye opener to every one who went to highschool with this smart, talented man. An eye opener that I hope makes everyone rethink how they treat others, because not knowing why someone killed themselves is the worst. Rest In Peace Jacob. May your legacy live on and spark conversation of depression and suicide to help others. I am honestly distrought and have not been able to sleep soundly since, It is so sad to see such an amazing man leave without any clue, no trace as to why he took his own life.. If you ever need help, please reach out. There is always someone to listen.