failing at being a stay at home mom/wife

that's how I feel most days...

I'm a first time mom with a 5month old now and I just feel like a hot mess.... I can barely get a decent meal in for myself throughout the day let alone cook dinner every night. I can barely get through a pile of dishes let alone clean the whole house.... My baby cries if I'm out of sight and just wants my undivided attention. She won't sit alone for more than 20 minutes sometimes... I love her dearly and love and enjoy every moment I have with her because I know she will only be this little once and they grow so fast. I just feel like I should be able to clean, cook and take care of the baby with no problem but when she constantly wants to be held and cries if she doesn't have my attention it makes it very hard. I guess I just want to know I am not the only one. My partner is very helpful and although he does work full time on his days off or when he goes in late he will cook, clean, do our laundry and he doesn't ever make me feel bad about not cooking everyday... but I just can't help but feel like A COMPLETE FAILURE.