I’m miserable

So my mom found out I was gay and dating a girl from one of my “best fiends” last year. She immediately cut off all my ties from her, told her to stay away from me or there would be consequences. Me and this girl grew up together and we’ve been dating for a year and 3 months. We refused to stop seeing each other so we continued to talk and sneak around together. The same girl snitched once again and and my mom took my phone for 7 months, completely cut me off from everyone and pulled me out of my school that I’ve been going to since preschool and moved me to another. (I was grounded from June to December) I’ve been going to my new school for 6 months and I’ve never been so miserable and lonely in my entire life. I’ve begged my mom to move me back and she shuts me down everytime and threatens to ground me again if I keep asking. She won’t even talk to me and to this day, I’m still not even allowed to go the mailbox without being watched. I’m not sure what I should do, but this is all becoming unbearable.