Thinking about taking my maternity leave already..

Currently 36 weeks 2 days, I want to continue working but my one year old daughter has an ear infection so she’s been really grouchy. On top of that the antibiotics they gave her, gave her diarrhea. And the diarrhea gave her a diaper rash. A really really bad diaper rash that’s not going away. So she’s not sleeping throughout the night. I work from 6am-2:30 so I wake up super tired for work without any rest. And on top of that my mom ( who would watch my daughter when I work ) is on vacation. So my brother is watching her, but my daughter hates him so she just cries all day and won’t even eat breakfast 😟 my SO and my mom told me just to go on maternity already, we pretty much already bought everything so I’m really thinking about it .. 🤷🏻‍♀️