Overwhelming😭😭 update***

Becca • Mama of 3🌸🌸🌸

Update 11:30pm

My mucus plug fell out like 10mins ago after

Having to 💩 😂

Well wish me luck hopefully she’s coming soon!


Okay so as a FTM to be I am currently 38 weeks and 4 days. I’m to be induced Wednesday May 2nd if Baby girl doesn’t make her own natural appearance by then. My last appt was on Thursday and only dilated 0.5 cm and of course my doctor decides to say

“you know I never leave town, but our office is leaving over the weekend to Alabama for a Work conference so make sure you hold off for me til I come back, but you’re more than welcome to start trying natural ways to get her out so maybe the induction won’t be necessary”

so all weekend here I am sorta bummed if she comes he won’t be there but not really because we all know nurses do most of the work. So here comes Sunday morning 5:30am I wake up with severe cramps and feeling like something is coming out of my who-ha. And I go pee and theres some spotting. So I think just great! Yes I’m excited to meet the baby but now my mucus plug decides to come out, only I wasn’t sure if it was just spotting or the actual plug coming out. Turns out after allllll day of contractions and cramping it was just some spotting. So here it is at 10:45pm and I’m still having contractions but of course have no way to know if I’m dilated more and it’s been a very overwhelming weekend and finishing touches on her nursery(got a late start) and just constantly feeling contractions and cramping, hearing and having my mother come over about

“why am I inducing on Wednesday and don’t I know the dangers?”

Of course I know🙄 but realistically if it’s for the best interest of the baby and my health we’ll be fine, millions of women do it everyday.

Needless to say I cried twice today and relaxed the rest but it truly is all worth it and it’s been a bit of an overwhelming experience the last few days.