C Section At 37 Weeks

Demetriana • My Husband And I Are 24, We've Been Married For 3 Years. We Have 2 Beautiful Children and Baby Gummy Bear On The Way!!

So you guys this pregnancy has been filled w/ surprises, my baby boy has throw me for a loop the entire 8 or 9 months! So I Was admitted to the hospital for preeclampsia! But I was only 36+2 when I was admit so I had to wait until I was 37 weeks to be induced so I stayed in the hospital until that time! The day of induction which was 4/24/18 I had every intention of delivering vaginally! (Plus my other 3 labors were vaginal), so I was completely caught off guard when all of a sudden they tell me my baby flipped and his heart rate is dropping! There was a rush of like 7 to 8 doctors running in my room with all types of machines, putting masks on my face! I was terrified! Not to mention I was by myself! I told my family not to come early because induction takes a while, I also told my husband he could work half a day! So I had to call everyone and tell them to get to the hospital quickly or they were going to miss the birth! I really just wanted my husband! But I get to the operating room and I’m scared and I’m shock because I e never had a c section before so they’re giving me the epidural and I’m just seriously in shock. And they help me lay down and out of no where my husband is like “hey” lol I’m like dude when did you get here! But he was delivered safely and I just thank God because it could’ve turned out differently! But now this recovery is totally different from a vaginal one I mean I can barley stand for more than 20 min! And I’m bleeding a lot!!! And still having contractions is this normal????? I have no clue what to expect with this recovery! Someone let me know please!!!!!!!