Showing my hubby some love ❤️


I just wanted to show some love for my husband. I rarely ever do this. We’re not the couple who feels the need to shout it to the world, we show each other how much we love and care for one another. But the last few weeks I feel like he’s gone above and beyond showing me in little ways how much he loves me and this little girl I’m growing. A little back story. I married the bad boy. The guy who used to bang all the chicks and toss them aside (it’s probably why we’re having a girl 😂😂😂) We’ve been together 11 years this July, and married 4 in July too! His friends dubbed me the Lion Tamer. They all said the day he met me he completely changed. I guess I was the first girl to love him for him. He makes music and a cartoon and he spends a lot of time being creative and I have only ever supported and encouraged him. I let him be his own person and was just here for him. He has adored me since day one. We were Inseparable. I knew by the third date he would be my husband. It took him a few years to grow up and agree too.😂 He never wanted a wife or any kids. But then he’d say well if I had too they would be with you. And now we’re married and he’s just as excited for this baby as me. He’s been paying me more compliments on how beautiful and sexy I am pregnant, and how much he loves me. A year ago this week we suffered a MC and he was my rock. He was what pulled me through. He talks to the baby every night to tell her how much daddy loves her and he can’t wait to meet her. He told me last night “God I love that little girl so much already!” I freaking teared up. I always saw the good in him, and knew he’d be a great daddy because his own daddy wasn’t and I just knew he would want to give our baby the best daddy since he couldn’t have one. (He does have the most AMAZING STEP DAD!!! His step dad has been around since he was about 3 and had always called him his son). My husband is truly my other half, my soul mate, the love of my life. I can’t wait to start this new life adventure with him.

Sorry for the long post! But ladies let’s show our partners some love!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️