Didn’t make it past 37 weeks


***LONG POST but with cute baby pictures at the end😍

My May 15th baby decided to come a little early on April 25th.

I went in for a normal checkup & was admitted immediately for high blood pressure. After running some tests I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia & was told I was having a baby within 24 hours

So i was put on magnesium to make sure i didn’t have a seizure, they put a catheter in, I wasn’t allowed to eat, I wasn’t allowed to leave my bed, & i was MISERABLE! I’m someone who has to walk through my pain so I knew I was about to hate my life for a few good hours. They started by inserting pills to soften my cervix at about 11:30 a.m. & my water broke around 4 p.m. they started pitocin soon after to induce labor & I was terrified because I have heard horror stories of pitocin contractions! I decided to get the epidural when I was about 3-4 cm dilated so I could for sure sit still while he placed it & why people are so scared of them hurting I do not know!!! I’m the biggest baby with needles & I didn’t even flinch😂 my fiancé was so proud of me he just kept saying how amazed he was that I didn’t freak out

Around 3 a.m. contractions got really intense & I was feeling it all. So they upped my dosage & I passed out. At 5:30 I woke up & couldnt move anything except my head & I started to panic. I am someone who needs to be in control of my own body at all times & this was a trigger for me. My poor sister had to help me keep my legs moving just so I didn’t have a panic attack! Good news was I was dilated to a 5 now though! About an hour of this goes by & I feel this huge urge to push & I think I am pushing so I’m telling my mom & nurse. The nurse tells me not to push because I could damage my cervix & have to have a c-section. This made me cry like a baby all while trying to NOT push. She didn’t check me because of the risk for infection, even

though I felt like I was past a 5 at this point. Not even 10 minutes later I felt an even stronger urge to push & I could not fight it. She came back in to check me & it turns out I was at an 8

They call my doctor & she’s on the way but my body is moving fast! I jump to 10 cm & am pushing by 7:15. She gets there just before this all starts & explains what is going to happen & then everything went really fast! I pushed for about an hour & my beautiful baby Loreli was born at 8:31 a.m. on April 25th, 2018 weighing 6 lbs 5 ounces & measuring 20 inches long! She had a huge cone head & the doctor told me she was sunny side up coming out & got a little stuck, but she was healthy & I Just sat there crying at how perfect she was!

I was beyond in love as soon as I saw her perfect little self!!!

Now she is 1 week & 1 day old, sleeping great, eating tons, & Just overall is an amazing baby! We are so blessed to have her here even if it was a little early & not the way we planned💖