planned homebirth turned into unplanned medicated hospital birth (long)

I am going to try to make this as easy to follow along as possible. Bear with me! you'd think baby number 3. I got this this will be cake. nope...

Previous to birth:

-36+4 I lost my mucus plug, for the next 3 weeks I continued to lose tons of mucus along with various amounts of blood.

-BH everyday with no progress

-I had tried midwives brew 2x with no luck along with every other thing i could think of to try to get labor started. Finally at 39 weeks my midwife gave me some herbal tintures and a membrane sweep to get things started. (didnt work)

-39+2 or 3 I was dilated to a 2

Labor and delivery

At 39+4 on April 27th at 730 am I woke up to pee, layed back down and my water broke! I was so excited! Called my husband who had just left about an hr previously to work to come back home. Called my midwife and sent the kiddos off to the babysitter\school. Now we waited..

No contractions at 1 so midwife said to drink more midwifes brew since we are on a timeframe since the water broke..

Contractions slowly started but werent painful at all and werw irregular.

At 8 pm midwife got to my house with contractions still not painful and irregular but more often.. tried more herbal tintures..

Went to sleep and the contractions finally were every 5 mins and painful. I tried to sleep still between checking on baby and contractions..But when she checked for heartbeat this time she feared he may have turned and gone breech. Instead of finding his heartbeat low by my pubic bone like before she found it up high below my ribs. She had to check me and feel for his head..I had reached 3\4 cm and he was (she felt) head down.

At about 5 am (22hrs after my water broke) My contractions stopped. Completely. I was sleeping so figured they'd pick back up and midwife said to rest while I can.

We woke up at 7:30 and my husband said nope. its been 24 hours lets go. now.

So off we went.. I was in tears because I didn't want it to go this way. (my husband got kicked out of the hospital 20 mins before our last was born due to his mouth) So i made him promise he wouldnt get kicked out this time. Midwife followed us there.

At the hospital, they gave a bedside US and baby was head down, heartbeat was fine. Just no contractions.. They started me on the cervix pill at 1130 because I had closed back up to a 2 and was only about 50%. At 4 pm I had reached a 3 and 75 and had begun painful consistent contractions of about 10 mins. apart. I asked for pitocin because it wasnt going nearm fast enough and we were running out of time!

I quickly began quicker, much more painful contractions after this. I was trying so hard not to ask for the epidural. My midwife was amazing and helped me through each contraction as I made gorilla sounds haha and kept my husband calm as well. At about 830 maybe I lost track of time by then I was checked and was only at 6 cm. Even the OB was like if we dont progress we have to do a C section. NO!!!

I BEGGED for the epideral. in my mind it couldve been another 4 hours of that pain and I just couldnt do it. I couldnt sit I could only stand up or be on my knees. Which my hips and legs were SO weak I couldn't do it much longer.

The epideral was just another form of torture! like I said I couldn't sit it made the contractions so having to sit while my midwife held me slouched over was HORRIBLE. I developed a HUGE Charlie horse in my neck and shoulder and couldnt move my neck at all. Then they began to spasm all the while my husband is watching this in terror as he tries to not yell at the doctor. I just kept repeating its okay its okay. I can do this OVER AND OVER.

Finally got that done, laid down and my neck was as stiff as a board and now hurt as bad as the contractions did. wonderful. got rid of one pain and got another in place.

After maybe 10 mins of the epideral i thought I was going to poop myself. literally. my midwife said okay then poop theyll clean it up. im like no literally its going to come out! The nurse was like well let me check you. She laughed and goes your complete and +2. Let me call the doctor.

They got me all up in the stirrups and the OB said you'll probably get him out in one push. and in that next contraction he was out! 36 hours after my water broke.

He was wrapped in his cord 3x! once around his body and 2x on his neck. THATS WHY MY LABOR STOPPED! THATS WHY HIS HEARTBEAT WAS UP HIGH AND WHY I CLOSED BACK UP!

I am glad I listendd to my husband and went to the hospital. I wouldve never continued labor on my own. I wouldve lost my child and possibly my life.

Everett did end up with an infection and unfortunately had to get an IV which is a whole nother story in itself. We had to stay in the hospital longer than we wanted and it took over 6 people and tons of pokesto get his IV in.. but we made it.

He is now 5 days old were slowly getting better, both of us yes. I Felt like a truck hit me after birth and for the days following... my muscles and bones were on fire. and him his eating schedule is starting to get better as the IV took away his appetite.

here is is. I love him!!