I let my son CIO tonight, feeling like an asshole parent 😔


My son will be one in 8 days and he sleeps in bed with my husband and I every single night. He starts out in his crib but wakes to eat in the middle of the night and I just bring him in bed with us afterwards instead of trying to get him back into his crib. I seriously love him sleeping in bed with us but I am pregnant again and I’m not sure how bed sharing will go once I get big. I’m also afraid that he’ll never sleep in his own bed. Luckily he only cried about 20 minutes tonight before he finally gave in and laid down and when I watched him do that on the monitor my heart kinda broke because he always falls asleep on me and this was the first time he hasn’t. Listening to him cry wasn’t easy either. If any of you mamas have any words of encouragement or advice, please share!