Ella Anne Perry is finally here :)


So it took me a little bit to getting around to writing this, Ella was born on 4/24 at 4:46 pm weighing 6lbs 8.8 ounces, 19.5 inches long. I had a really tough labor I was miserable. I went into labor the 23rd at 6am, contractions were all around 7-12 mins apart and lasting a minute sometimes more. My doctor had told me 5 mins apart lasting a minute you can come to the hospital... I never got to 5 mins apart.. there were a few that were 6 but still varying, so these contractions lasted all day and omg the worst pain I've ever felt! I was crying and screaming and being so mean to my boyfriend who was only trying to help. Oh well he forgives me now lol. So I ended up calling the hospital around 1130 and lying and saying they were 5 mins apart for an hour... complete bullshit but I couldn't take it anymore I wanted an epidural asap! I was just worried I was going to go in there and only be a centimeter. Turns out I was 4cm and they said I could finally get my epidural and the guy was on his way... more bullshit. He didn't get in my room until 3am!!!! I was furious!!! But after that all was well in the world and I got some sleep but I wasn't really progressing so they gave me pitocin. Around noon I was finally 10 cm and ready to push. Pushed for a little over 4 hours when they came to the conclusion my pelvis was to small and I had to have a csection. I was petrified but it was all worth it! I feel great today! The pain from

The csection isn't nearly as bad as contractions! I'm just glad next time I'll get a scheduled csection and won't have to go through labor!!