Vent time 😩❗️



STOP telling me what I NEED to do..

“You need to make plans with your friend and go out this week” “Okay, maybe” “No maybes. Just do it”

“You need to have the baby on this day because it works best for me” I don’t give a flying fuck what works best for you

“Or you need to have the baby on [sister in law’s] birthday” um that’s 10 days late for one and for two I don’t like her anyhow why would I want to try and purposely make them share a birthday

Listen. I’m married, have a baby on the way, and live over 1000 miles away.

Oh, also.. this is alllllll coming from my mother in law. Multiple times every day.

She means well, trying to help or make me laugh or whatever but holy hell... I’m very pregnant, very tired, very emotional, and very irritable right now. Keep telling me stupid shit like this I’m gonna snap.

Thennnnn we have [sister in law’s mother] telling me the same thing about having him on her birthday “Because why wouldn’t you want him to share a birthday with his favorite aunt” well... there’s no way in hell she’s gonna be his favorite aunt. He has 5 other aunts (not including great aunts or whatever)... so no.

Next we have my little sister (who’s 17) saying “You’re doing delayed cord clamping right? Because you seriously need to” umm none of your business thanks

Or “Are you getting an epidural? Are you planning a c-section? Are you breastfeeding? Is [husband] cutting the cord? If I make it, I’m going to be in the room right?” All in the matter of 5 minutes. Chill. The. Fuck. Out. None of this is your business anyways. And no, you’re not.

Then I get all of this and then some from random ass strangers like.... who are you and why does it matter if I have him on your birthday? I don’t even know you.

Okay, rant over. 😒🙄