My own mother...


So long story short my dad found a job in MD and they are in process of moving. They live in military base housing now but they’ll be moving to an apartment and they have 2 dogs. One of them they’ve had for long time, the other dog is just a puppy and been w them for past 2 months. Now here it is... my mom has asked me to take him because the apartment asked for double pet deposit and they don’t have the money. She says it’s ok if I say no because I’m in an apartment too and I’ve got one year old and pregnant so she understands if it’s too much to take on. After taking to my husband for days we decided that dog isn’t priority for us right now and it’d been too much for us too financially. I called her to tell her that and she hasn’t spoken to me since..... well this morning I got a call from my sister who is in Japan saying she spoke to mom and that she had mentioned she’s very upset I didn’t take the dog for them. And they don’t understand why we struggle financially since my husband makes more than my dad ($200) more and they been fine w 3 kids 2 dogs and they don’t understand how we have money problems w one kid and nothing else. When I called her I explained that my routine pregnancy appointment I’ve been paying copay and whatever insurance doesn’t cover it’s on me and same goes w my son appointment when he gets sick I pay copay and whatever after that I get bills. Not to mention we have rent which they don’t have. She doesn’t understand civilian “medical “ things because it’s all covered for them. She really thought I was making excuses and she told my sister after everything they have done for me I couldn’t take the dog and they are disappointed. And mad at my husband that he doesn’t make enough to support a little dog. All this over a dog ????? I’m now upset that my own mother can act like this. They are coming here in few weeks to stay w us for 2 months because that’s how long it takes for my dad to get pay check at new job until then they pretty much have no pay check or nothing that supports them. Now I don’t want them here knowing how they feel about us but I don’t have choice because if they don’t stay w us they are homeless and I’d never put my sisters thru that. On top of it tho my sister called her because she has sent a package from Japan full of snacks and goodies she made sure my mom got them and she told my mom one of the candy was for me for my morning sickness and not to eat them because I specifically asked for it. While on the FaceTime she saw my mom eating that and she asked why she’s eating it when she told her not to and it was for me. Then my mom said she can’t help it and I should’ve known to asked for more than one bag. This is freaking ridiculous in my eyes over dog and upset so very bad that she stuffed her mouth w bag of pregnancy candy. Like wtf ? I’m sorry this is long but my sister heard enough from me and I’m dragging to tell my husband because I know he’ll be mad too. WTH is my opinion now