no vacation with my dog 😔

We've been trying to visit my sister who is 18 hours away so my 1 y.os can meet their Aunt. Unfortunately, we are stuck on what to do with our dog. We have a Chihuahua, we don't have friends or family here that we are close enough to ask to doggy sit. My sister has a larger dog and a 2 y.o and I know he gets very scared and protective when we are around other people and animals. When we aren't around he does pretty good but can bite when scared.

We can't take him with us because we were planning on staying with my sister to save money, we don't have a sitter, we don't know anyone trustworthy to come feed him and walk him (we are new here) I'm at a lose for what to do. We haven't seen my sister in over 2 years and she has yet to meet the kids. Is there any place that would take a dog that MIGHT bite?? like Petco or PetSmart?? We talked to a trainer but she said she don't deal with Chihuahuas because of how hard they are to train. Any advice? 😔 I just need to know if it's at all possible to board him.

Also, just to add... He is an amazing dog but if you go to close to his face while he's scared he may try snipping. He'll bite if someone gets close to us. Other than my in laws we haven't left him with anyone so I worry he'll bite and we honestly don't know how he would do.