Compulsive spending/shopping?

Do any one else have a issue with compulsive shopping? Like it’s gotten so bad for me... this month I paid rent and then I spent the rest of my money (2k) on clothes, shoes and room decor for my kids. I have my husband my debit card so I don’t do it again and it put us behind on some bills. I literally can’t help it though. I rationalize it when I’m doing it. 😭

When I was growing up my parents had money but didn’t spend any. I wore the same clothes from middle school and high school because I stayed the same size. But I always hated how I had old clothes or my mom would buy me clothes/shoes from thrift store or yard sale. So I don’t want my kids to feel that way, I wanna give them the world and I can’t seem to create a line for myself...

Feeling like a failure...