Feeling a mix of emotions and suicidal


Hey everyone. I need advice. I'm so depressed and feeling horrible. I don't even know how to feel actually. 😢😢😢 Yesterday my boyfriend of 1 year and 3 months broke up with me. We were in a long distance relationship. He was in California and I in Florida. We were deeply in love. I loved him more than a person can love another person. We had future plans. We were going to meet in person, We wanted to move in together, get married, have babies. It was perfect. We had our arguments like any other couple but we always got through it. Lately, he had been getting sick a lot. He has asthma so it affected him alot. One day, I didn't hear from him at all. Mind you, we'd talk and text every day the majority of the day. We were so in love. But lately, we had been at each other's throats alot which wasn't normal for us. He had gotten very sick and had surgery. I heard from him and he let me know what was going on and that he would have to do physical therapy and I wouldn't be hearing from him for awhile but that he'd try to get in touch with me when he could. It had been about a month and he did call me 2 more times to let me know he was doing better. Obviously, that made me very happy. I was sticking by his side 100% He gets back and calls me the same day. But I get this weird vibe from him. We talked briefly but then he said he was going to sleep cuz he was very tired which I understood. The next day comes and I text him good morning and that I love him. I don't get anything back all day. Which was weird because he said he was going to go back to work that night and I still didn't get anything all night. He knows I get very worried about him. I let him live his life but I appreciate communication. So even if it was a quick "Hey babe I'm ok just tired but I'm at work so I'll try to text you later" that would be fine. But I got nothing. The following morning, he texts me and said sorry he was just exhausted. I said it was ok. I asked him if he was ok and he said yes just tired. I'd say I love you and I wouldn't get a response. I was getting worried but I knew he just got out of therapy so I was letting it go. But I let him know via text that it was worrying me and bothering me that I've been trying to talk to him about how it went and just talk in general because I missed him so much. That was the only way I got his attention because he finally called me and said I woke him up and said that he's getting readjusted to everything since being cooped up in therapy for over a month. He said I need to be patient with him which I was but he didn't seem like himself. He barely wanted to talk to me and was snapping at me. He got upset because I got worried and asked him if he still wanted to be with me. He got mad and said You know what? You are always doing this shit. You keep questioning my love for you and I'm sick of it. He said I'm sorry, we're done. You did this to us. Please lose my number. And he broke up with me. This was yesterday. Then this morning, I get a private call. It ended up being him. He apologized for how he handled things yesterday but still said it was my fault and then said he needed to tell me the truth about what was really going on. I got really scared and worried. I thought he was gonna say he cheated on me or something. He ended up telling me he has stage 2 lung cancer and has 1 month left to live. I'm not gonna lie, at first, I thought it was a bunch of bullshit but as he was explaining further, it was connecting a lot of dots of how frequently he had been getting sick and coughing a lot and coughing up blood, being tired and losing appetite. I don't believe he was lying to me because he never had before and especially not about something like this. He had always been honest with me about everything a

nd anything whether I wanted to hear it or not. So he was sobbing on the phone and said he loved me and he wants me to be happy. That I deserve it. That he's sad because he never got to marry the woman he loves (Me). He wanted to tell me the truth and say goodbye. 😢😭 I don't know what to think. This is all hitting me at once. It hurts so much. He was the love of my life. I can't stop crying. I'm 29 and we had all these plans together and now I've lost him in a way I was never expecting to. I feel numb. I don't even wanna put myself out there anymore because my heart is so fragile and I don't wanna get hurt again. I feel terrible. I feel horrible about what he's going through but I can't help but be upset with him for breaking up with me because he always said he wouldn't give up on us. Idk what to do or think or where to start. I told my sister what happened and she said she thinks it's b. s. on his part but idk. Please help. I need closure and to be able to move on.-Sasha. 😔🙁💔