I was raped.. but I am a survivor and not a victim


I was raped back in February of this year by a man I knew personally and thought was a good person. Until I woke up out of a sound sleep to me being raped... I did all the things I needed to do in Maryland to take care of him being charged.. fast forward my grandmother has dementia and had been getting worse and I had the opportunity to move to Alabama, quit my job and leave Maryland to focus on school, taking care of her until she eventually passes or is too ill that she needs to be in a home, so I took that opportunity and left everything and everyone I knew for 24 years, well I had to call the detective only to find out they aren’t going to charge him and it saddens me not only did I give them all the evidence needed but they didn’t seem to believe me and it’s just sad that someone can get raped and they’ll leave a rapist out on the streets. I pray so hard every night he never does to anyone what was done to me. Maryland sucks for that, truly.