12 month PP and unusual period this month..This happen to anyone else?

I left a message with my dr but while waiting for a reply I thought I could also ask here. Last Tuesday made 12 months since I had my second child, second c-section and got my tubes tied. My periods have been back and regular for 7 months now and I usually have hardly any or very minor cramping and my periods aren’t usually heavy and last 5 days. Well the week my period was due this month I cramped pretty badly the whole week but never actually started my period. I thought it was odd, but do still breastfed and thought maybe that threw it off this month.. But the next week came and I did start.. But it was very painful, heavier and not at all like my usual periods. I spotted and cramped bad the first 2 days, then bleed heavily the next 3 and then today I thought it was about over since when I would up I was only spotting light pink.. I again didn’t think much of it and just thought it was a heavier period this month. But then I got in the shower and had 2 decent but not major gushes of blood with several small, pea and marble sized blood clots which has never happened to me during a period before and had me alittle worried. I have also had a pretty bad headache during this period. Could this still just be a “regular” heavy period? Or is it something I need to be concerned about?