Mother’s Day

Jody • 1 mc, 7yrs TTC, 👦 💙, TTC currently

I’m technically not a mother yet although I feel like one without babies to hold yet. Mother’s Day is always a weird hard one for me :( I went to see my mom and of course my sisters where there (2 pregnant now) my family is sweet and all give me gifts along with my sisters who have kids and it just kinda stings. I love them all and love the nieces and nephews bunch’s but i want my life own soooo bad it hurts. I’m the oldest and yet the last to have kids it feels like anyway. Oh and my sisters complaining about pregnancy and kids is just hard to hear when you have empty arms 😭. Just needed to vent I know it will work out I have faith I will get to be a mom I just want to know I’m not the only one dealing with this. ☺️