How did you meet your s/o??

Bailey • All my questions can finally be answered! 🙏🏼

We just started dating on Friday but

funny back story of how we met. I work at a casino and us servers always get our own sections. So my good friend Jay was hosting on a wing Wednesday and it had died down quite a bit so her boyfriend and his two other friends came in and they sat in my section so of course I had to serve them. I took their order and placed it and later my friend had mentioned me and this guy (his name is Taylor) would be perfect together and told me I should give him my number so of course me being me I agreed and said sure why not what's the worst that can happen! But I of course waited until they were done their meal and everything. Afterwards I brought over the bill and the one guy paid and then I slyly slid over the note towards Taylor's directions but him being a guy he didn't see it so then my friend jay went back over and told him he forgot something in the booth. So the next day I had texted my friend and asked what his name was again because I actually forgot it, then she asked if he had texted me and I said no and she told me 'oh well that's weird bcuz he said he did' and I asked her to send me a picture of the note I wrote on and it turns out I actually wrote my dads number on the note instead of mine ! He said to me he had never been ghosted so hard in his life! Long story short we're actually dating now and I've never in my life been so happy and in love with his smile and personality and his big brown eyes he literally melts my heart😍❤️