raising a 12 month old and a new born by myself...

Me and baby daddy split. ever since, he's wanted nothing to do with the kids. I'm 20 and im still in high school. (I do cyber, but I dropped out and went back. I have about 14 months left of school) I feel really overwhelmed. I moved in with my mom and she has been ALOT of help. Should I go for child support and full custody? I would feel bad I think and idk why. EDIT: I broke it off with him but it was for a very good reason. We were together for 3 years and all he did was cheat and mentally abuse me. He's a narcissistic asshole. I think I would feel bad because I know he would play victim, and I'm the time that always pities people. I wouldn't take him for a whole bunch. I just want enough to cover what my girls need.