
I just need to vent because I can’t vent to my husband as he doesn’t get it! We miscarried last November When I was about 10 weeks. It would have been our second. I can’t play the whoa as me because we have a beautiful daughter and I know many can’t get pregnant at all. I’m just so frustrated lately because this was our 5th month trying and I haven’t been able to get pregnant. His brother who got married very fast to the very first girl he dated at the age of 28. And I know there is nothing wrong with getting married quickly. But his brother lived at home until he was 28 (enabled by in laws) and now is married and pregnant. No life experience at all!!!! Now you can call it jealousy or what you may, but they weren’t planning as they were both taking birth control (I know you are asking yourself, what the heck is this woman talking about) but yes both taking herbs as a form of birth control. Both have no clue about life and I know it will all be a learning curve. I definitely wish the best for them, but it’s so frustrating to me to continually get text message with their ultra sounds, etc. when they seriously didn’t want a kid. Once again you can call it jealousy or whatever, but I am over it!! His brother and wife are a morons!!! Barely any income and just have no clue what they are about to get into. He had the nerve to ask me if you feed kids three times a day and feed the same thing? Seriously? I’m just so aggravated and need to vent how self centered they are in general and just clueless. I often think it’s unfair for so many people not to get pregnant and ask myself why it has to happen to those people! Then there are people like my brother in law and wife who get pregnant when they didn’t even want children!!! I would offer to help as I have experience, but the way we are treated and how self centered they are I just have no desire! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh