Help!!! Anyone go through this?!


I have always had regular periods. Most I have ever been late was 8 days and that was a very stressful time in my life. I have two beautiful girls and clear positive hpt results. I have recently had a miscarriage and not sure if that would effect anything. But I am now 21 days late on my period. Sore tender breasts, easily irritable and frequent moods swings that it is making people close to me uneasy and comment what's wrong with you. I have taken at least 4 pregnancy tests all with a bfn and got me stressing. Took two when I woke up. And two at night but I have a nurses bladder and hold it forever. I woke up at 2pm today after finally going to sleep at 8 am I held my bladder and went to get a hpt and took it in the bathroom stall at Walmart. It was also a neg. I did have unprotected sex multiple times during ovulation realizing to late I was ovulating. Every so often I feel nauseous, but with my other two I didn't get morning sickness until second trimester and stayed sick throughout my pregnancy. So sick that I lost over 70lbs each time. When I stand up I sometimes get lightheaded and dizzy. Like a sudden fatigue sets in and then vanishes just as quickly. I am a heavy smoker and now I can't go through a whole cig without feeling slightly queesy. I am a night owl and definitely do not have a normal sleep schedule and always feel tired but I can never fall asleep when I need it. But I'm fining myself sleeping in later than usual and have to force myself out of bed or I will sleep all day. Weird thing is I have completely lost my appetite, find myself realizing I went all day without eating and have to force myself to eat. I called my obgyn and made an appt. but the earliest available one they have is June 5th. Went ahead and got that set, she advised me to take a test once a week and if one comes up positive then to call because that would change my appt entirely and who I see. Sorry had to vent a little, but has anyone went through this, taken tests and gotten negatives even this late, I mean come on I'm 21 days late but a neg, and still ended up pregnant??? Been reading online and googling and see people talking about it but I want to hear from y'all. Have you? Has anyone you known went through this? Anyone had a very reliable cycle and suddenly missed an entire cycle? Is so were you pregnant? Or what did the cause end up being? Talk to me... I over here pulling my hair out 😭😭😭