I just need to put this somewhere and here seems the best place.

Twinkletwinkle⭐️⭐️ • Pregnant with our rainbow baby, my most special and precious little being! Cannot wait to meet him. 👶🏼💙

I am 23, struggled with my eating since I was 15, was diagnosed with bulimia with anorexic tendencies.

When I fell pregnant I was in recovery, I ate properly and breastfed until He was 14 months old to keep in control.

When he stopped feeding I started using laxatives again. Every time I ate, I took a few pills, I started back at the gym and slowly stopped eating as much: now I eat a children’s portion a day, if I’m lucky and live on coffee.

I haven’t been bothered by it, I feel more tired, but I am still in a healthy weight for my height. And I’ve just got on with work,parenting and the usual like normal, I am happy.

lately my mother in law keeps going on about how I’ve lost weight and I can feel myself want to strangle her, I don’t care that I’ve lost weight, she keeps making a big deal about it, and how she is worried. (She knows that I had struggled with my eating)

We had all been at the pub (friends and family) they had been saying how I looked so pale and unwell! (I am very pale and had just came off nightshift so I was knackered) and she waited till I had left and text me with her concerns, but obviously she had been talking to her friends about it and that infuriated me if you have concerns say it to my face instead of being little bitches and talking about it when I’ve left and sending me a fucking text!

No one else had made comments, and for this is just makes me so mad,