Conversation with your boyfriend


• How open is your boyfriend with his life?

• Does he go into detail?

• Does he get excited to tell you things?

• How does he keep convo interesting?

• How often do you talk about the deep thing you love about each other like the talk about each other’s feelings.

I feel like my man isn’t great at communicating his deep feelings and thoughts about our relationship. He says the I miss you and your amazing and I’m lucky to have you. But no like detail.......

Any tips to change it, I've spoken to him about this serial times but like back to square one a bit I guess.

Like do us women do something or like act in a way to make men feel like they can't be open.

How do you encourage a man to talk more about it even though you've spoken about it more than once.

It hurts cause I'm and overthinker and there's big time gaps between when he does cute stuff and then he acts like distant and then close when he wants to and it’s fucking confusing and makes me overthink and get down........

And I don’t wanna be the complaining girlfriend so I don’t talk about that side of it much