Would you be upset? what would you do?

So I have been with my husband for over 8 years. We have a great marriage.

Recently, one of his friends moved back near where we live, and he and this guy always hung out with this girl. Come to find out, his friend is living with this girl and is getting a divorce from his wife.

Years ago, (2012) my husband sent this girl a message on facebook, initiating the conversation, saying things like he was thinking about her and wished he would have kissed her when he had the chance. He also throws in that although he is "happily taken, if he wasnt he would come down and see her sexy ass" and goes on further to say that "I bet you look sexy in scrubs.. I must have a thing for nurses" (me and this other girl are nurses). I read these messages a long time ago and never said anything to him about them, just let it go and moved on. He removed the girl as a friend on Facebook some time ago and to my knowledge there haven't been any more messages.

So now that his friend is living with this girl, he is with her all the time because he sold his vehicle when he moved up here. tomorrow my husband invited his friend over and then told me he also invited the girl because he didnt want to be rude. It makes me super uncomfortable having this girl come to my house and hang out with my husband because I read those messages he sent her. It makes me feel foolish and like they have some secret together. I asked my husband if he used to like her or date her or something and he said no not at all, she was always into his friend. obviously those messages say otherwise...

now I'm just torn on what I should do. do I say something to my husband about messages sent 6 years ago? or do I let it go and pretend I never saw it? i feel like even if i say something, what will that accomplish? but part of me wants him to know why I've been kind of weird about her coming over. what do you all think? what would you do?