So what your opinion on this...😒

My ex’s mom has been a single mom of 3 for a very long time since her ex husband abused her all 3 were from the abusive ex. So I guess a few years pass and she meets this guy named Don and she marries him. Don has a twin brother but they aren’t identical twins. Somewhere down the road Don finds out he had stage 4 cancer and it’s terminal. Anyways he passes away in his own home in San Diego. Soon after passing away he left everything to her the life insurance and his house. A year later she marries his brother Ron. They both sell the house and cash out his life insurance she moves to Arizona with him. She pays off Ron’s house in AZ and they travel. Turns out she was cheating on Don while he was ill and she was going behind his back with his own brother so it was all part of the plan. When my daughter was born she told her son to go get a DNA test because she looked white and not brown and then the stupid bitch started examining my baby’s toes. Like how stupid can you be? Babies are in water for 9 months what color are they gonna be brown!?? Anyways she’s a real snake and always gives my mom these dirty ass hateful looks. I have sole full physical custody and sole full legal custody and my ex only gets to communicate with me about her doctors and school and that’s it. But now he feels entitled to bring whomever he wants to visitation without consulting with me and that’s what he is supposed to do is consult with me first. So I filed a court date I’m going to plead to the judge to restrict his supervised visitation to only him, the baby and the person supervising the visit. Technically he isn’t supposed to have anyone there and it’s against the rules because that time is for him to spend with his daughter not for other people to take that time away. The mediator had made that very clear to me but forgot to put it in the mediation agreement. I allow his family to visit our baby at my house I even invite them over and let them know when I’ll be home. His mom has come to San Diego several times she only visited the baby when she was like two months old. She’s been here and has visited her other 3 grandkids and has come down here at least 20 times since she was born. I don’t treat anyone bad I keep a fine line of what I talk about when she has visited which was only once. I never talk about court or her son. I’ve offered her coffee and everything when she was here. I was nice to her even though I was very angry Inside I let her bond with her granddaughter. Anyways she knows what kind of son her monster is because she created a monster. She will take his side no matter what. She’s fake tells me she loves me ect which is a fine line of bull. Her son is like her, and a mommas boy. I can’t believe there are so many evil people out there. Ron her current husband also is having health issues, I have a feeling he won’t live very long. He has been hospitalized many times he has acid reflux disease and I know he drinks a lot like he’ll drink a whole bottle of Captain Morgan which he has some other serious health issues. She knew that when she was with him. Him being stupid she convinced him into buying life insurance for both of them so he did. So the Dr told Ron to stop drinking because it was only makes his condition worse. She’s evil and she continues to buy alcohol for him and to this day feeds him that. She knows he won’t live very long if anything a few more years and there she goes she gets his Home because she made him sign it over to her when she paid it off and he signed his life insurance over to her. He’s gonna pass away and leave his new mustang to her as well and she’ll give it to my ex. This lady and her son are so fucking sick in the head. I can’t believe I have to deal with them for 18 years, it’s like a curse. I love my daughter but I fucking hate my ex and his dirty ass mom. It makes me sick to know she married her dead husbands brother its sickening and so disrespectful. If all these years I’ve learned is that if you offer to them all they do is take but don’t give back. I think if I could give you examples of stories I have of them I could write a book...