I need to stop

I really need to let guys stop using me. I know it sounds cheesy asf but I know I’m way better than some thing that can just get thrown around. I need to let guys stop disrespecting me. I need to set boundaries, I need to let myself acknowledge what my limit is. I always get hurt by every guy I talk to because all they want is my body and they don’t care about who I truly am and I done. For instance this guy kept on forcing me to send nudes with my face in them and I told him how that made me uncomfortable and gave zero fucks. I made some excuse and told him I couldn’t talk anymore today. He then went on to say “ you better make me cum tomorrow.” And things like “I won’t think about any girls while talking to you.” I’m sick and tired of being someone guys can just use and abuse. I can never seem to learn from my mistakes and I just keep on getting used. It’s time for me to smarten up and not take any of this bullshit anymore.