please help - not sure if chemical pregnancy?

Alyssa • 30 FTM to beautiful baby girl !

so i am about 5 weeks+5 and i’ve been cramping on and off since i first tested on 5/18. i got a faint positive and every other day after that the lines kept getting darker.

i had sex with my husband on saturday morning and had some spotting when i wiped, afterwards. I didn’t think it was a big deal since i read that the cervix is sensitive this early on.

I went to the bathroom again throughout the day and nothing.

Yesterday on sunday, i started cramping more - not strong cramps just dull ones but then i started spotting when i wiped, each time i went to the bathroom.

it’s like a pinkish/brown color - i didn’t have my phone, so no picture 😔

i went to bed and woke up this morning and still had some pinkish/brown spotting when i wiped but it seemed like a little more - no cramps yet tho.

i got one of my hcg test strips and dipped it in the toilet and it read negative.. is that because it was too diluted?

is this a chemical pregnancy ? should i keep my appointment on the 31st?