Would this piss you off?

My husband overspends on “boys nights” “boys trips” what not. We are closing on a house in two weeks and need to save all the money we can! I spent the day packing, meanwhile he ditched me to go play golf with the boys. I said “promise you won’t spend extra, ONLY the cost of the game” He said yeah. Turns out he lost and they “had” to buy the winners dinner. So much for promising. Also just found out that he is going on a boys weekend trip “soon”. He never even told me about it, I heard about it in someone else’s conversation. I asked him later that night about it, he said “yeah we already talked about it remember?” Uhh no we didn’t... If they just took a decent, fun trip it would be fine. But they spend TONS of money just to one-up eachother on who brought the best alcohol, best food, best equipment. So not only is it the cost of the trip it’s all this other shit he is buying to prove himself to the boys! 🙄

We should be spending the money on something we BOTH can enjoy. I feel like he’s overspending on all this stupid guys stuff. We don’t haven’t unlimited funds here 🤦🏼‍♀️

Meanwhile the other wives have kids and their husbands are ditching them for boys night. At least I don’t have kids or I’d be REALLY pissed! :/